Just curious.
And how much did it hurt? ):At what age did you first wax your eyebrows?
Oh goodness I feel old. I think I was 16 the first time I got it done. I doesn't hurt a lot. It hurts even less than ripping a band-aid off real fast. lol.At what age did you first wax your eyebrows?
I plucked for a long time, but waxing doesn't hurt that bad if you get it done right. Hard wax is preferable to soft wax if you're talking about the face or bikini area. Soft wax is pretty typical and is applied warm and then strips of fabric are put over it. The wax sticks to the skin and the hair, so it can leave you pretty red and irritated. Hard wax, on the other hand, only sticks to the hair and won't adhere to your skin. Much less redness and irritation. Find a reputable spa or waxing place (one with very high marks on Yelp, for instance) and make sure they use hard wax. That will be the best first experience you can get!
Good luck!
I was around thirteen
And it doesn't really hurt me.
I use a kind of wax kit where you don't have strips, just put the wax directly on your skin, and then rip if off a few seconds later.
I don't have a high pain tolerance, but honestly, the pain is nothing unbearable.
If it hurts for you, try to numb it with ice first.
I started tweezing at 15, never tried waxing. I think it's a little overrated, but I guess I wouldn't know for sure. More than likely nobody is paying that close attention to your eyebrows, as long as there are two of them and they're not hanging into your eyes.
10, wait no 9. i thought it would hurt but it didnt. my friend just tried getting her eyebrows threaded and they look great. she said that didnt hurt as much so i am going to try that 2 morow.
11 or 12, and it hurt very bad, but only for a little bit. Like seconds. Just get an adult to do it, and it'll be fine. But they'll be red for a while, so plan to do it when you don't have to go in public! (:
i believe 12 or 13. it really doesn't hurt that much, but it depends on how much hair you have on your eyebrows lol, it makes your eyes water a little bit too.
When I was 15 I only used tweezers but they grew back pretty quickly so I just recently started to wax them. It didn't hurt very much, actually... just a little stinging and tingling sensation afterward.
12. my eyes kinda got watery but i wasn't crying or anything. it hurt the very first strip the lady pulled off. but then it was better by the end of it.
12. And it hurt like hell. I ripped the head off of my little sisters teddy bear. Lmao. I'm so happy i did it though. And it doesn't even hurt after the first time [: Good Luck!
I think 12. And yes, of course ripping hair out of your skin is going to hurt to some extent... my eyes were tearing a little bit if that gives an image. But the more you go, the less it hurts.
I think I was 13 and it really hurt, but after your first time it doesn't hurt as much, now it doesn't hurt at all.
13. it doesnt really hurt ur just shocked. but when they are done jus get them to put aloe on it.
12 it only hurt for like a min or two then the pain's gone
11 and it hurt for 10 minutes!:-)
11 i didnt wax though i plucked it witha tweezer. But went waxing at 12
12. yeah, it hurt.
I think 15 and hell yes!
still haven't.
im planning to do it soon tho :(
like 8th grade and it hurts the first time but after that no.....
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